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The decisive factor in the quality of cold storage

  Construction of cold storage is about to friends who may not know much about cold, I do not know how to choose refrigerator manufacturers, do not know what will be the quality of cold storage is what constituted here, small series to tell the majority of the construction of cold storage to be friends, for your future running cold can be protected, be sure to choose to have a qualification in industrial production, plant operating life is long, with senior experience in the construction of cold storage, all kinds of detection equipment, has its own core technology as your refrigerator manufacturer standard suppliers.

  West Valley Cold Storage Company is engaged in the construction of more than twenty years, cold end users throughout the country, financial strength, and have their own core cooling technology, the company has been more than 20 patents, the unit used in all parts of world-class brand, the company has the strength of technology and technical personnel, with industrial production permit, with nationally recognized laboratories, is also the Guangdong University of cooperation between schools and enterprises, has a high gold content of the national high-tech enterprise qualification and personnel housing pilot enterprises in Shenzhen, cold water project also won the Shenzhen municipal Government to support the fund; sago Shenzhen cold storage business and the Pearl River Delta region, the Department of technical and financial strength of the most abundant of the refrigerator manufacturer, want to believe the West Valley will be your best choice, hotline: 4000660810, Finally, brief composition Monoblocks equipment.

  1, cold storage refrigeration system components

  Choose cold storage refrigeration system is primarily a compressor, condenser and evaporator selection.

  Refrigeration system is the core of cold storage, mainly by the compression system, condensate system, evaporation system and a control valve four part composition, in addition to the fan, catheters and instruments, and other accessories. The entire cooling system is a closed loop circuit, the refrigerant circulating in the sealing system, based on the need to control the number of supply and into the evaporator to obtain a suitable low-temperature conditions.

  For refrigeration systems, refrigeration compressor is the heart of the system, it pushes the refrigerant in the system. The condenser is excluded refrigerant gas compressed in the heat, it condenses into a liquid refrigerant. Effect evaporator is to provide cold-storage capacity.

  Modern cold storage architecture forward fabricated cold storage development, which is a combination of cold, made the library member includes a moisture barrier layer and the insulating layer, so that on-site assembly, the advantage of the construction is convenient, fast, and can be moved, but the cost comparison high, in accordance with the required size of the pre-made library board, high temperature cold storage ships on a 10 cm thick library board, cold storage and freezing cold generally use 12 cm or 15 cm thick plate. .

  2, cold storage warehouse structure

  The size of the refrigerator should be designed according to the annual maximum amount of storage of agricultural products. This capacity is necessary according to the volume occupied by the product in cold storage stack, plus aisle space between the lines, and pile walls, ceiling between the package and the gap between this and other calculated. This capacity is determined, and then determine the length and height of the cold.

  Also consider the necessary ancillary buildings and facilities, such as the workplace, packing room finishing, tools, libraries, and the loading dock and other cold storage design, the refrigerator so the quality can be guaranteed.

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