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Advantages of polyurethane cold storage

  Now polyurethane cold storage construction, more than 90 percent of cold storage installation is chosen as a cold plate. Choose the polyurethane material as a cold plate material is inevitability choice of development refrigeration industry, West construction company fabricated cold storage, the combination of cold storage, Shenzhen cold storage building, now West Valley Xiaobian introduce this material advantages and features of the West Valley Business Consulting: 4000660810.

  Polyurethane cold plate with a light weight polyurethane cold storage material inside, a polyurethane-effective good, external SII, PVC color steel and stainless steel plates, so that the benefits of preventing the temperature difference between inside and outside because of cold plates, so that more energy-efficient refrigerator, improve efficiency.

Rigid polyurethane having a low thermal conductivity, good thermal performance. Polyurethane cold plate with moisture waterproof. In more than 90% of rigid polyurethane closed porosity, are hydrophobic materials, and will not absorb moisture increases thermal conductivity, the wall is not leaking.

  Polyurethane cold plate also has a flame retardant, high temperature characteristics. After the addition of a flame retardant polyurethane, is a difficult to burn and will self-extinguishing material, it can reach a softening point of 250 degrees Celsius. Only when a particularly high temperature, decomposition appear. In addition, it will be in burning the foam surface layer of gray, this layer of ash will help isolate underlying foam, can effectively prevent the spread of fire. Further, the polyurethane does not produce harmful gases at high temperatures.

  Since polyurethane panels have excellent insulation properties, under the same conditions of insulation, can reduce the thickness of the building envelope structure, thereby increasing the indoor area.

  In addition, the board also has a polyurethane cold deformation resistance is strong, not easy to crack, stability, security, and other characteristics. Pore structure stability polyurethane material is essentially a closed cell structure, not only has excellent insulation properties and freeze-thaw resistance, but also has good absorption properties. The average life expectancy of rigid polyurethane insulation foam structure, under normal use and maintenance, can reach more than 30 years.

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