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Care and maintenance of cold storage

  First, cold storage installation or long-term use again deactivated, the cooling rate must be reasonable: every day at 8-10 ℃ appropriate control, should be kept at 0 ℃ for some time.

  Second, the maintenance of cold storage library board, note the use of the library should be noted that a hard object body collision and scratching. Because the library board can cause dents and rust, a serious cause of Local libraries insulation performance.

  Third, the cold sealing parts and maintenance, because the fight is fabricated cold storage insulation board made by a number of blocks, so there is a certain gap between the plates, the construction of these gaps will be sealed with a sealant to prevent air and moisture from entering. Therefore, in use for some parts of seal failure timely repair.

  Fourth, the cold ground maintenance, generally small assembly cold storage insulation board on the ground to use, should be used to prevent the cold ground have a lot of ice and water, if there is ice, the clean-up must not use a hard object beat, damage to the ground.

  Cold storage maintenance:

  First, cold storage and disinfection sterilization addition to mold: cold and chilled food has a cooking materials contain some fat, protein and starch. The existence of these nutrients, bacteria multiply and cause mold growth. It was cold to do health management, to ensure the quality of frozen foods and cooking ingredients, we must regularly cold She health disinfection. In addition to mold and mildew to kill cold disinfection, first with acid disinfectant. Acid disinfectant bactericidal effect, mainly in the bacterial protein coagulation. Common disinfectants lactic acid, peracetic acid has, bleach, formalin and the like.

  Second, the cold exclude taint

  1, because the so-called odor of cold storage odors that cold storage and cooking materials and food under the influence of external factors, through physical and chemical changes, resulting in an abnormal smell, Over time, this will adhere to the refrigerator odor the walls, ceiling, and equipment and tools. Odor in the refrigerator, in general there are several reasons: 1) cold storage until there is a smell of food intake is not present. 2) into the cold food before there is spoilage phenomena, such as the deterioration of eggs, meat and fish. Over the fish cold storage, store unwashed namely meat, eggs, or fruits and vegetables and other foods, causing infection and smell bad. 3) cold and poor ventilation, temperature, humidity, resulting in the large population of mold, mildew odor generation. 4) cold storage refrigeration pipes leak, the refrigerant (ammonia) cause erosion to food odors. 5) freezer temperature does not drop, resulting in deterioration of perishable produce meat smell of corruption. This mostly occurs in meat is not frozen, freeze that is transferred through the library storage. There is a distinct smell of food in the cold storage warehouse, resulting in food odor cross-infection.

  2, the method for preventing cold storage odors: the frozen food into the cold, must be tested, there is no deterioration of the store before storage. Cold storage warehouse before the purchase can not smell exists. If odor, technology must be treated before use to exclude odor. Usually to strengthen the maintenance of refrigeration equipment, non-inverted stack discharge, thus preventing smashed pipe, causing refrigerant leakage. Food cold during cold storage warehouse must maintain a certain temperature, frozen prepared foods may not be transferred or library storage. If the cold storage warehouse temperature does not drop down, you should find out the reasons, to be ruled out before making food processing. Should not be mixed with each other infected food stored inside the refrigerator.

  3, cold storage exclude taint Ozone. Ozone has a strong oxidation, cold storage warehouse can not only eliminate odors, but also to curb the growth of microorganisms. Ozone generator, enabling the Treasury odor excluded. If the cold storing more fat-containing foods, it should not use ozone treatment, in order to avoid fat oxidation and rancidity phenomenon. Formaldehyde Method. The goods inside the cold storage warehouse move out, disinfect and remove odors with a 2% aqueous solution of formaldehyde (ie, formalin solution). Vinegar method. Cold storage warehouse installed over the fish, the fish smell heavy. Other food should not be installed, have been thoroughly cleaned before loading the exclusion of other food fish smell. Usually remove the fish smell of vinegar is to use the method. Specific methods: After a cold fish, a layer of frost on the evaporator tubes clean and maintain temperature in the warehouse ?? 50 ℃ or less, and then press the cold storage warehouse for each cubic meter of volume by 50 100 g vinegar formulated with? jet nebulizer to the library, the first library door closed tight, to start off the blower, so volatile and vinegar flow within the library, vinegar absorbs the smell of fish. Usually after about 4 to 24 hours after opening the refrigerator doors, continuous blast for hours outside the library can be blown vinegar

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